Name: Jessica Connelly
From: New Jersey
Ambition: Teen Success/Life Coach
Fun Fact: Loves to Roller skate
#MyNowo: “Feel the fear & do it anyway”-Susan Jeffers. You’re going to hit a lot of adversity & roadblocks but you’re going to get through it. Listen to those who truly care about you & not that inner ego who holds the negative connotations.”
“Being a young black girl in high school has its many challenges. Just imagine, the microaggressions towards your hair or how you speak, being labeled angry when standing up for yourself, or the peer pressures you may face for simply saying “No”. Now add in the weight of trying to pursue college but receiving no support from your educators… right? Well for Jessica Connelly, these lemons of life were enough motivation to make a nice cold drink called “I’ll do it better”.
What Is It That You Do?
I guide teens in their purpose by generating ideas to open their minds to the possibilities of what they could do.
What Sparked Your Passion?
“Seeing that teens are placed with so much external pressure to be something that they may not want to be. I always wanted to help teens by guiding them. Being a school counselor/ therapist, I realized the missing gap for teens with how confused they are growing up. A lot of teens are struggling to be themselves. After the passing of my brother, I saw that some of those around him weren’t as positive or constructive but instead more aggressive influences in his life. I wanted to be that constructive role model for teens. I loved the idea of planting the seed in their minds & watching it grow as they learn more about themselves.”
Any Challenges You’ve Faced In This Pursuit? How Have You Overcome Them?
“Not being a business major, & still learning how to run one while setting goals on the back end. Also understanding how to charge people for my service. This is a completely new realm right now. Trying to learn the ropes of social media and what people like, how to promote.”
What’s Your End goal?
“To help as many teens as possible, by expanding their mind to guide them from a street life and achieve what they are capable of on this earth.”
How Can Viewers Reach You?