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Jabari The Prince

Name: Jabari Amir

From: Spanish Harlem NYC

Ambition: Full time Actor (& independent model)

Fun Fact: “I am an avid skier & used to travel for skiing competitions!

#MyNowo:Never be afraid to fail, fail with pride and continue to believe in yourself even when it feels like nobody else does.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on actors. How they have inspired us to take that leap…….educated us in ways that textbooks couldn’t……told stories that resonate with our hearts…..or most of all reminded us that we are not alone in our challenges… may be safe to say that without them, we may not be who we are today! As grateful as we are, how often have we truly thought about their journey to become these leaders? Usually we only see the fruits of their labors but behind that is much more on that could only be told by an actor themself. So to share this glimpse, we bring you Jabari the Prince.

What Is It That You Do?

A little bit of everything but mainly an actor. This depends on what role I may have. I see it as a storyteller through the lens of a different person or an extension of themselves. (Such as channeling another person’s vision). Telling a person’s story by relating to their character and bringing their story to life while at the same bringing in concepts from the director, publishers and other members of the team. It’s up to me as an actor, to add my little spin while at the same being open to feedback.

What Sparked Your Passion?

At the age of 7, I was in a dual language program for English and Spanish in school. I was presented the opportunity to audition for a lead role in the play (in spanish). From that moment, as a little afro latino kid, I truly fell in love with acting and storytelling. I felt fearless and proud! I remember the reaction of the audience of them crying and laughing for my performance in the comedic play.

What Keeps You Motivated on this Journey?

Primarily, my support system of my family and especially my mother. Everyone in my family doesn’t pass up the opportunity to encourage and remind me of how proud they are. Secondarily, would be my journey itself and seeing how far I’ve come from my first performance til now. I haven’t given up, and I really appreciate that. Just thinking about all of the challenges and the fight I’ve put up to be where I am and get to where I am going. I have so much gratitude for this journey along with its blessings.

Any Challenges You’ve Faced In This Pursuit? How Have You Overcome Them?

Being an young afro-latino man in a white dominated hollywood industry. I took acting classes at a studio 2 years ago (2019) and saw that out of a class of 22 students, I was the only black student. (Now nothing negative to the other students because they never made me feel secluded) but being a young black man in a white hollywood, you have to work twice as hard just to get half of the recognition. With this you have to constantly wonder, what am I doing this for and if these studios will have a place for me. I know that my story hasn’t been told and being a minority, I wonder if they care….but I have a unique voice, and remind myself that there is never going to be another Jabari and that is why I am needed. So to counter that, I am continuously seeking these opportunities to show it can be done. 

Additionally, people may think acting is an easy career but you will receive 100 no’s before you receive that 1 yes which can be very mentally and physically daunting. Especially when it comes to your talent and your willpower! In this industry, you have to have thick skin and a strong mind for those periods where you begin to question yourself. The doors that will be slammed in your face may seem like you won’t ever get to that point, as you give your all, your heart, blood, sweat and tears but you have to have a strong sense of self. To counter these challenges, I allow myself to have fun with this passion and remember that I am a great actor and my work is important, regardless if it does not resonate with everyone.

What’s Your End goal?

Create a brand & name for myself to be one of the best actors who has ever lived. I want to do work that I love. The 3 things I want are happiness,peace, along with success in my career.

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